Sunday 22 October 2017


I try my best to have everything under control but sometimes it's not that easy!

Somewhere I read that you won't be successful in your work if you can't get your things together but it seems obviously hard to manage if there's autumn outside, your friends are busy because it's their last year and your family's like 300km from you. 
So what are the rules that you should follow in case you're exhausted and there is no free time?

Try to stay concentrated no matter what you do at work
avoid unnecessary conversations, you can catch up some gossips while eating lunch

Learn how to say no. This is the crucial point. If someone gives you an extra work you don't have to be always nice and cool and take everything without blinking.

Work as a team. There is no better way to handle a difficult matter as working with your workmates

Try to not get distracted by social webs like facebook.  You will be more focused and you will not lose the thread.

The same story with the news. Don't read them at work, let yourself do it when going back home or when you have a free while for you.

What about emails? sort them from the most relevant to less. Do not respond to e-mails that are from your family or friends. That will not save your time at work and it can certainly wait.

Hope you will not get distracted anymore!

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