Monday 24 April 2017


I'm writing this post from the park's bench. Sun is shining and I'm reconsidering my life as always when I'm surrounded with nature and all by myslef.
Birds are chirping, what a lovely word isn't it?

I love spring especially when it's not so cold, you're not freezing and there is loads of things to do besides watching tv series in your bed. But... stop! Where's my energy gone? Last year this time I was riding my bike, exploring city and running at least 3 times a week. What has changed?
Maybe I work more.. maybe the circumstances aren't as they should be...
Well even though I'm really grateful for my friends and time spent while having fun.
MY feeling related to the water are so intesive! I love being near to the river, sea, oceans, even those small water springs!!!
Why is it so incredibly awsome for me?
I appreciate every minute spent in a place where the lake or sea is.

Tomorrow will be different day I suppose. Don't let negativity take control over you life and hopes. There is still something special waiting for you.

 Nothing else left, push the boundaries!


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