Sunday 5 November 2017

communication level 1

There are conversations that fill us and others that leave us empty. There are people that talking to is a pleasure and others who could make sleepy even a sheep. And all this is related to the levels of communication that is between us and our partner,  friends or at work. Let's see what are the five possible levels of conversation to see in which situation we usually are with the people around us.

First level. Talking about things, football, time ... It is a superficial conversation, but sometimes necessary when you meet someone or you are in an elevator for instance. We do not start revealing our life details to the neighbor in the room. At this level we talk about time, what did we eat or what did we see in the last trip to Italy. The problem appears when a couple can speak only and exclusively of this type of things. We feel emptiness, especially when we have moments when we need to tell something that affects us.

Then there occurs the problem. We cannot hide our feelings and we are ashamed because of the lack of connection. Why is it so important? Because it is crucial when you really need to talk to someone and it’s your partner or best friend and the other side has nothing to comment. 
 Let’s talk about nothing, it’s always better than not talking. But does this rule always work? I don’t think so.

Next week, there will be MORE INFORMATION about more information that we can communicate.


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