Monday 20 February 2017

Holding on or letting go?

Do you have habit of keeping useless things? 
Have you ever tried to say good bye to these old, full of dust things hidden on the bottom of your wardrobe?

If your answer is yes let me give you some advice.
Old shoes? Dirty, too small, old-fashioned dress? 
Just stuff that you don’t use anymore but still can’t throw it out. Maybe in your basement we could find 3 or 4 desks, because you just can’t imagine your life without them? Stop!  You can’t do it anymore. 

That day that you are waiting for to use them again will NEVER come!

I know it’s hard but it’s scientifically proven that if you do it, it is very probable that you will have a problem with holding grudges too.   And remember, holding grudges is like letting someone live  rent-free in your head.

That point  also works perfectly for your emotions. You will never be able to move on, without sadness and fears and this is against your prosperities.

Now listen, you have to make a space in your house, and accordingly in your mind, to help new opportunities come and fill the empty space.
Collecting useless things implies the possibility of lack and it’s halting your life against the development.

So now, stand up, clean up your closets, wardrobes, your garage throw away all the stuff that has lost its validity and value. Forgive and get away of all the things that are stopping you from being happy.
Set yourself free of all emotions and feelings that are related to people who have already disappeared of your life. 

Let the new things to come in!

Now remember:

The day you stop worrying will be the first day of your new life; anxiety takes  you in circles, trust in yourself and become free

~Leon Brown.